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HP Neem African Tincture is effective in flushing out free radicals, toxins, parasites, mucus, and other organisms that should not be in the body.

In a nutshell, HP Neem African Tincture is all the following:

🌿Anti parasite




🌿 Anti-cancer / tumor

🌿Anti mucus 

🌿Anti worms

🌿Anti spermicide 

🌿Organ cleanser including skin.

100ml –  (ideal for 2 weeks of use)

200ml -(ideal for 1 month use)



1 dropper full of Neem African Tincture into half a teacup of hot water on an empty stomach.  

☘️Depending on weight, use daily for a period of 2 – 4 weeks.

Under 70kg – 2 weeks / 100ml

Over  70kg – 4 weeks / 250ml

✨WARNING – In the period of use, for men, spermatozoa will be low. Goes back to normal after detox.

✨For women – In the period of use, the chance of getting pregnant is low.


Below 70kg, Above 70kg


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